Recruitment – what’s in it for me?

October 20, 2003
Business Services recruitment

Being 'client focused' is undoubtedly one of the buzz phrases of recent times, but are recruitment companies really focusing on …

Commercial and R&D: reinventing the relationship

October 17, 2003
Research and Development R&D, commercial

Traditionally, pharma companies have been run as research-based organisations relying on well-integrated internal R&D capabilities to feed their commercial pipelines …

On laws and rules of thumb

October 16, 2003
Sales and Marketing digi pharma

This column takes a healthily sceptical (you might say cynical) view of technological innovations, and tends to the view that …

Rebranding – in it for the long haul

October 16, 2003
Medical Communications branding, life cycle

In February, the Government announced plans for a new Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) vaccine booster, but with the MMR …

Managing alliances for performance

October 16, 2003
Research and Development alliance

These days no pharmaceutical company would be caught admitting that they did not have an alliance strategy. After all, the …

Communications before launch

October 16, 2003
Medical Communications communications, pre-launch

Producing and launching a profitable drug is no easy task and requires cohesive planning throughout all stages of the product's …

From lab to limousine

October 16, 2003
Research and Development biotech, start-up

Attend any networking conference bringing together fledgling biotechnology companies and investors, whether financial or industry, and you will repeatedly hear …

Power to the patient

October 16, 2003
Medical Communications consumers assocation, patient information

Patient information is a growing issue. Publicity around issues such as the variation in treatment across the country – so-called …

Emotional relationships: marriage vs. holiday romances

October 15, 2003
Research and Development CRO, contract research, contract research organisation

If you were to ask leading CRO executives they would tell you that blue chip pharma companies outsource their critical …

We’re letting you go

October 15, 2003
Business Services recruitment, redundancy

When we were at school, we were misled into a fools' paradise, which told us that if we were good …

The Stone Age salesforce

October 15, 2003
Sales and Marketing sales force

Here are a few thoughts on why your sales and marketing team will only respond so far to the training …

Technology in clinical trials

October 15, 2003
Research and Development clincial testing, technology

The major drive for the pharma industry is the pressure to reduce drug development times and costs. Although paper-based processes …

Waiting for the upturn

October 15, 2003
Research and Development drug development, pipelines

Estimates vary considerably, but many analysts put the current cost of bringing a drug to market at around $800 million, …

Project management – you get what you pay for

October 15, 2003
Research and Development project management

Pharma projects have project managers. Technology projects have project managers. But there is a world of difference between them. That …

Strategic communications planning

October 15, 2003
Medical Communications communications, planning, strategic, targeting

Once your product has hit the market, can strategic communications still play a part? It can if you combine it …

Unoriginal sin

October 14, 2003
Medical Communications advertising, creativity

'OK, so its been done before a couple of times. But badly.' It is the meeting from hell. You may …

The management of schizophrenia

October 14, 2003
Sales and Marketing NICE, clinical guidelines, healthcare, schizophrenia

The publication of NICE's clinical guidelines on the management of schizophrenia in December marks a significant milestone – the first …

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