The pharmaceutical doll’s house

October 9, 2003
Research and Development biotech

The turn of the century has witnessed a period of intense uncertainty and instability within the pharma sector. After decades …

Concept testing: the collision of two worlds

October 9, 2003
Medical Communications NHS, advertising, concept testing

Market research is a vital part of pharmaceutical marketing. If you don't talk independently to your audience, the people who …

Opinion leaders – opportunities for a win-win in healthcare

October 9, 2003
Medical Communications key opinion leaders

Innovation in prescribing behaviour can be driven in three main ways. Doctors may prescribe differently in response to pharma industry …

Opinion leader development: new resolutions for 2003

October 9, 2003
Medical Communications key opinion leaders

Opinion leader development is crucial to the pharma industry and likewise the pharma industry plays a pivotal role to provide …

Usability: mumbo jumbo or magic bullet?

October 9, 2003
Sales and Marketing digi pharma

Usability is, broadly, a measure of the time it takes to find and enter a website, and do something useful …

Parallel trade: is pharma fighting a losing battle?

October 8, 2003
Sales and Marketing ABPI, EU, UK, parallel trade

Parallel trade has become the bete noire of the European pharmaceutical industry, a terrible beast it can only hold at …

Creating a patient-centred NHS

October 8, 2003
NHS, healthcare, patients

First the good news. Everybody  from the Government, to patients and all the NHS bodies in-between  agrees that the vision …

Viagra in shape despite close shave

October 8, 2003
Sales and Marketing EU, patents, viagra

The success this year of Remington Consumer Products in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in a long running dispute …

Does healthcare copywriting break the rules?

October 8, 2003
Medical Communications copywriting

In the heady world of consumer advertising, much has been written about copywriting. Imaginative titles ranging from the unforgettable The …

Is pharma forever in the box?

October 8, 2003
Sales and Marketing marketing ideas

Most people would agree that in business we need new and compelling ideas. But it always intrigues me that so …

EDC: electronic data capture or eliminating data corruption?

October 8, 2003
Research and Development clinical trials, electronic data capture

Managing a successful clinical trial is probably one of the hardest tasks known to man. Getting a drug to work …

Launch summery…

October 8, 2003
Sales and Marketing product launch

The summer period is traditionally a quiet time for the pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to product launches.

Health authorities blocking change, say PCTs

October 8, 2003
NHS, NHS Alliance

 Strategic health authorities are too far removed from PCTs to help them innovate as they work on their plans for …

Prilosec OTC launch delayed

October 8, 2003

Procter & Gamble's proposed launch of an over-the-counter version of AstraZeneca's blockbuster Prilosec will be delayed after the FDA requested …

Pharma satirist nearly unmasked

October 8, 2003

The anonymous prankster behind the pharma industry satire has broken his silence in an exclusive interview with Pharmafocus.The website, …

Network to encourage

October 8, 2003

The NHS is to be given more support to work in partnership with local authorities with the establishment of the …

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