
Showing 11 posts of 11 posts found.


Iran ready to export medicines to Venezuela

February 25, 2019
Sales and Marketing FDA, Iran, Venezuela, biotech, global, pharma

The chairman of the Iranian Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Mehdi Pirsalehi, has said that Iran is ready to export …


MSD to launch Keytruda at half US list price in China

September 20, 2018
Business Services, Sales and Marketing BMS, China, MSD, global, keytruda, markets, pricing

US pharma giant MSD will offer cutting edge cancer treatment Keytruda to Chinese patients at half the price at what …

AMR test

Coalition launches to tackle AMR

June 10, 2015
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing AMR, Antibiotic Discovery-UK, Antibiotics, coalition, global

A new, not-for-profit coalition has launched with a mission to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and what it sees as the …

Pharma’s global economic footprint is huge – and growing

March 26, 2015
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Argentina, Asia, IFPMA, Oceania, global, gva, pharma

The pharma industry contributes more than $400 billion to the global economy, according to new research that examines the worldwide …

WHO: ‘Common infections will kill again’

May 1, 2014
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing AMR, WHO, global, infection, world health organization

The world is heading for a situation where common infections which have long been thought to be no threat to …

Bringing global trials teams together

February 23, 2009
Research and Development clinical trials, global

The world is getting bigger and smaller at the same time. When the internet began to really catch on about …

Global marketing and the shifting balance of power

June 23, 2008
Sales and Marketing US, global, marketing

As a marketer in the international pharmaceutical world, it is very likely that the brand we are responsible for has …

UK clinical trials: on the mend?

September 26, 2007
Research and Development UK, clinical trials, global, research

How clinical research is organised in the UK is essential to the success of Britain's pharma industry, and to the …

Global products for local people: tailoring your brand strategy

September 25, 2007
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing branding, global

Deciding which aspects of a global brand should be defined centrally and how much freedom there is in any given …

We want a global brand, should take you what, 3-6 months, tops?

October 14, 2003
Medical Communications branding, global, market research

'Friendly fire' and 'military intelligence' are celebrated oxymorons, and many creative agencies would have it that 'creative market research' is …

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