supply chain

Showing 15 posts of 36 posts found.


Medicines recalled after FMD alert

July 1, 2019
Sales and Marketing FMD, MHRA, labels, pharma, recall, supply chain

The MHRA has warned patients that batches of drugs for Parkinson’s, epilepsy and blood clots have been taken out of …


No-deal Brexit could cause shortages and higher prices, healthcare distributors warn

June 19, 2019
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing EU, UK, brexit, distribution, pharma, supply chain

The Healthcare Distribution Association (HDA) has warned MPs that Britain could face shortages of medicines if it were to leave …


The missing link: Blockchain in clinical data management

June 14, 2019
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Big Data, blockchain, data, data management, pharma, supply chain

Louis Goss explores the potential uses for the much-hyped technology blockchain as a tool to tackle the data management challenges …


FDA ask MSD to join blockchain supply chain network

June 14, 2019
Medical Communications FDA, MSD, Merck, blockchain, supply chain

The FDA has asked MSD to join a shared permission blockchain network to help track and trace prescription medicines and …


Medics in Vanuatu transport vaccines via drone

December 20, 2018
Business Services, Medical Communications Transport, Vanuata, drone, supply chain, vaccines

Medics in the remote archipelago of Vanuatu have begun to deliver vaccines using a commercial drone. The logistical success marks …


No-deal Brexit stockpiling puts pressure on supply chain

December 17, 2018
Sales and Marketing brexit, no-deal, pharma, pricing, supply chain

The stockpiling of medicines in preparation for a no-deal Brexit is putting pressure on the supply chain and causing shortages …


Securing the cold chain with new solutions

October 23, 2017
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing cold chain, manufacturing, supply chain

Ben Hargreaves examines the emerging practical and technological solutions that are aiming to improve patients’ access to medicines in a …


FlyPharma Conference 2017 – “Collaboration is the key”

June 12, 2017
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing FlyPharma conference, PHARMA SUPPLY CHAIN, flypharma, supply chain

As the conference came to a conclusion, audience members were invited to offer their thoughts on what the overall message …

The future for pharma packaging

March 1, 2016
Manufacturing and Production distribution, packaging, research, supply chain

The pharmaceutical packaging market is projected for strong growth through 2020, driven by innovation for new products and materials and …

Naomi Landman

Supply chain leaders call for forward pharma thinking

September 11, 2015
Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications fly pharma, fly pharma conference, logistics, supply chain

Logistics companies must improve their understanding of the pharma industry to better serve their customers, according to a supply chain …

world map

Cold chain management and transportation of medicines

August 11, 2015
Manufacturing and Production CEIV, IATA, Transport, cold chain, fly pharma, fly pharma conference, logistics, supply chain, transportation, vaccines

Riekert Bruinink, a member of the guideline drafting committee and the Dutch health inspectorate, has a very simple explanation of …

Study reveals true scale of falsified medicines problem

April 22, 2015
Manufacturing and Production, Sales and Marketing Counterfeiting, fake, falsified medicines, health, pharma, supply chain

The full scope and prevalence of counterfeit medicines is poorly understood, according to a study of global pharma supply chains. …

API imports in the EU: gauging the FMD’s impact

December 9, 2013
Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing API, EMA, FMD, Taylor, manufacturing, supply chain

The deaths of dozens of patients as a result of the contaminated heparin incident in 2008 casts a long shadow …

LEO Pharma appoints new executive vice president

February 29, 2012
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing LEO Pharma, supply chain

From March Anders Spohr will take over the position of executive vice president for global product supply at LEO Pharma. …

Counterfeit Plavix

Europe votes in new anti-counterfeit law

February 21, 2011
Manufacturing and Production EFPIA, counterfeits, supply chain

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the Falsified Medicines Directive to help stop the flow of counterfeit medicines …

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