
Showing 15 posts of 562 posts found.


Philippines ups pressure on Sanofi over dengue vaccine

December 8, 2017
Medical Communications Sanofi, biotech, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

Since Sanofi released further data from a six-year study which showed that the risk of a severe dengue reaction is …


Philippines to investigate “shameless public health scam”

December 4, 2017
Sales and Marketing Sanofi, biotech, dengvaxia, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

The Philippines has announced that it will investigate how more than 730,000 children received a dengue vaccine, despite safety concerns …


Sanofi admits to dangers of its dengue vaccine

November 30, 2017
Sales and Marketing Sanofi, biotech, dengue, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

After analysing six years’ worth of data on its dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, Sanofi contacted health authorities to tell them that …


Sanofi signs $805 million deal for MS drug

November 10, 2017
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing Principia Biopharma, Sanofi, biotech, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

Sanofi has decided to build its pipeline in neurological disorders with the agreement to develop Principia Biopharma’s BTK inhibitor candidate …


Takeda’s dengue vaccine surpasses Sanofi’s in P2 trial

November 7, 2017
Manufacturing and Production, Sales and Marketing Sanofi, Takeda, biotech, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

Sanofi spent more than $1.5 billion and two decades to develop the first ever vaccine for dengue fever, only a …

Sanofi Q3 results disappoint due to waning diabetes sales

November 2, 2017
Sales and Marketing Lantus, Sanofi, diabetes, pharma

Sanofi readjusted its 2017 financial expectations after its third-quarter results came in lower than projected. The company revealed that net …

Pfizer to begin auction of consumer health division next month

October 26, 2017
Sales and Marketing GSK, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, Sanofi, nestle

Following the recent revelation that Pfizer was considering the spin-out of its consumer health division, it has now emerged that …


Regeneron injects $100 million and 300 new roles into Irish production facility

October 26, 2017
Manufacturing and Production Regeneron, Sanofi, manufacturing, pharma

Sanofi subsidiary Regeneron has announced its intention to expand its production plant in Limerick, Ireland – the largest scale bulk …

Sanofi launches patent infringement lawsuit against Mylan over diabetes pen

October 25, 2017
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Basaglar, Eli Lilly, Lantus, Mylan, Sanofi, diabetes, insulin, patent infringement, pharma

Sanofi has launched a lawsuit against Mylan as part of a dispute that alleges that the latter infringed upon 18 …


Peanut allergies? There’s a clinical trial looking to fix that

October 17, 2017
Manufacturing and Production, Research and Development Aimmune, Regeneron, Sanofi, biotech, drugs, peanuts, pharma, pharmaceutical

Aimmune Therapeutics, a biotech company developing treatments for food allergies, announced that it has entered into a clinical trial collaboration …


Sanofi plans summit to tackle diabetes in 5 million Nigerian citizens

October 17, 2017
Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications Nigeria, Sanofi, WHO, diabetes, pharma

Sanofi Aventis Nigeria plans to put together a National Diabetes Summit to address crisis in the country as five million …


Sanofi set for €170 million expansion of vaccine facility

October 12, 2017
Manufacturing and Production Sanofi, Sanofi Pasteur, biotech, drugs, influenza, pharma, pharmaceutical

Sanofi has announced that it plans to expand its vaccine manufacturing facility in Val de Reuil, France, with an injection …

Sanofi promotes global head of diabetes to expand role

October 6, 2017
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Sanofi, biotech, diabetes, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

Sanofi has promoted Stefan Oelrich to the position of Executive Vice President of Diabetes and Cardiovascular (DCV), giving him a …


Top Ten most popular articles on this week

September 29, 2017
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Allergan, EMA, FDA, HIV, J&J, JJ, Kevzara, Mylan, NICE, Sanofi, nash, top ten

It’s Friday, and it’s time for another round up of the most popular articles on over the last seven …


Sanofi and Regeneron’s projected blockbuster gains EU approval

September 28, 2017
Sales and Marketing Dupixent, Regeneron, Sanofi, biotech, drugs, pharma, pharmaceutical

Sanofi and Regeneron have big hopes for their treatment Dupixent, and it has taken an important step towards reaching the …

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