Showing 15 posts of 1081 posts found.


Top Ten most popular articles on Pharmafile.com this week

September 28, 2018
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Bayer, NHS, Novartis, pharma

Life expectancy was a key topic this week, as it emerged that growth has stalled and even fallen in areas …


The October 2018 issue of Pharmafocus is available to read online now!

September 27, 2018
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Hurricane Florence, NHS, Pharmafocus, US, biosimilars, market access, mental health, pharma

The October issue of Pharmafocus is available to read in full online now!Hurricane Florence lashed across North America’s Southeast coast …

Courts back NHS in fight against Novartis and Bayer

September 24, 2018
Sales and Marketing Bayer, Eylea, NHS, Novartis, avastin, ludentis

The NHS has won a court case against multinational pharmaceutical firms Novartis and Bayer, after the companies sought to block …

ABPI forges five year partnership with AHSN focused on increased uptake of transformative biomedical innovations into the NHS

September 21, 2018
Medical Communications ABPI, NHS, UK, ahsn, collaboration

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has announced that it is forging a five year partnership with the …

Rates of vaccination decline in England, study shows

September 18, 2018
Manufacturing and Production England, NHS, health, public health, vaccines, vacinnation

The number of people who are receiving the 12 routine childhood vaccinations has declined in proportion to the eligible population …


More effective flu vaccine could prevent hundreds of elderly deaths across UK this winter

September 12, 2018
Medical Communications, Research and Development NHS, Vaccine, flu, influenza, pharma

Public Health England has revealed that an enhanced, “adjuvanted” vaccine is to be made available for over-65s this winter, and …


UK health improving but challenges of an ageing population remain, says PHE report

September 11, 2018
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing NHS, Public Health England, UK, pharma

A new report from Public Health England (PHE) has illuminated the primary health concerns in UK society today, revealing the …


BMS’ Opdivo fails to win over NICE as adjuvant melanoma therapy

September 10, 2018
Sales and Marketing BMS, NHS, NICE, melanoma, opdivo, pharma

Bristol-Myers Squibb has failed to convince NICE to approve the use of its PD-1 inhibitor immunotherapy Opdivo (nivolumab) as an …


UK Government to invest £200m in IT and technology boost for NHS

September 7, 2018
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing AI, Matt Hancock, NHS, NHS expo, pharma

The UK Government has lifted the curtain on plans invest more than £200 million to leverage innovations in technology and …

Novartis’ CAR T therapy Kymriah to become available on the NHS

September 5, 2018
Research and Development CAR T, CAR-T, Gilead, Kymriah, NHS, Novartis

Novartis’ Kymriah is set to become the first CAR T therapy to become available on the NHS after it was …

NHS guidance suggests mental health therapists should be brought into GP surgeries

August 29, 2018
Research and Development England, GP, NHS, guidance, psychology, psychotherapy

New NHS guidelines will encourage doctors to incorporate mental health therapists into practice surgeries in an effort to bring more …


Brexit Health Alliance calls for effective planning for no-deal Brexit

August 22, 2018
Research and Development Brexit Health Alliance, Labour, NHS, brexit, no-deal

Niall Dickson, co-chair of the Brexit Health Alliance has called for immediate comprehensive and effective plans for a no deal …


Leaked letter warns of NHS disruption after Brexit

August 21, 2018
Manufacturing and Production NHS, The Times, brexit, hard Brexit

NHS Providers, the membership organisation and trade association for professionals working in the NHS, has warned that the NHS is …

More children suffering from type 2 diabetes in England and Wales

August 20, 2018
Sales and Marketing England, NHS, Wales, children, diabetes, obesity, young people

The number of children and young people suffering from type-2 diabetes has increased in England in Wales over the past …


NHS scraps restriction on availability of J&J’s Imbruvica in leukaemia patients

August 10, 2018
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing Cancer, J&J, JJ, Johnson & Johnson, NHS, NICE, UK, imbruvica, leukaemia, pharma

The NHS has dropped a controversial restriction preventing leukaemia patients from accessing Johnson & Johnson’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor Imbruvica (ibrutinib), …

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