
Showing 3 posts of 3 posts found.


Government to set up express freight service for medicines in case of no-deal Brexit

July 8, 2019
Sales and Marketing Transport, brexit, government, no-deal, pharma, planning

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) plans to spend £3 million on emergency transport solutions for medicines in …


Medics in Vanuatu transport vaccines via drone

December 20, 2018
Business Services, Medical Communications Transport, Vanuata, drone, supply chain, vaccines

Medics in the remote archipelago of Vanuatu have begun to deliver vaccines using a commercial drone. The logistical success marks …

world map

Cold chain management and transportation of medicines

August 11, 2015
Manufacturing and Production CEIV, IATA, Transport, cold chain, fly pharma, fly pharma conference, logistics, supply chain, transportation, vaccines

Riekert Bruinink, a member of the guideline drafting committee and the Dutch health inspectorate, has a very simple explanation of …

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