
Showing 5 posts of 20 posts found.

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NICE rejects Kadcyla

April 23, 2014
Sales and Marketing CDF, Cancer, Genentech, Kadcyla, NHS, NICE, Roche

NICE has delivered a severe blow to Roche by rejecting its breast cancer ‘smart bomb’ Kadcyla for NHS use in …

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Kadcyla launches in UK

February 13, 2014
Sales and Marketing CDF, Cancer, Kadcyla, NHS, Roche, breast

 Roche’s Kadcyla, indicated to treat an aggressive form of breast cancer, has launched today in the UK.Kadcyla (trastuzumab emtansine) which …

Three new entries to Cancer Drugs Fund

February 5, 2014
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing CDF, Kadcyla, NHS, Tafinlar, UK, xofigo

Three drugs – Roche’s Kadcyla, Bayer’s Xofigo and GlaxoSmithKline’s Tafinlar – have been added to England’s Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF). …

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