Elizabeth Warren

Showing 4 posts of 4 posts found.


Eli Lilly CEO says Elizabeth Warren’s claims they failed on cheaper insulin is ‘nonsense’

December 18, 2019
Research and Development Bernie Sanders, Eli Lilly, Elizabeth Warren, US Pharma, US Presidential Election, insulin

David Ricks, the CEO of Eli Lilly, has said that Presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren’s claims his company failed on …

Senators call on FDA to use “forceful response” against Novartis over faulty data scandal

August 12, 2019
Sales and Marketing AveXis, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, FDA, Novartis, Zolgensma

Five senators, including presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, have condemned Novartis for using “falsified data… to obtain approval …

Elizabeth Warren calls on Albert Bourla to reveal detail of appointment of former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb to Pfizer’s board

July 25, 2019
Business Services, Medical Communications Albert Bourla, Elizabeth Warren, FDA, Pfizer, Scott Gottlieb, pharma

Elizabeth Warren has called on Pfizer to reveal the details of Scott Gottlieb’s appointment to the company’s Board of Directors.


Top Ten most popular articles on Pharmafile.com this week!

July 5, 2019
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Brenntag, Elizabeth Warren, HIV, Novartis, PrEP, cannabis, crispr, pharma

The top story of this week covered Novartis’ announcement that they did not send chemicals that could be used to …

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