bowel cancer

Showing 6 posts of 6 posts found.


E. coli strain in the gut may increase risk of bowel cancer, new study finds

February 28, 2020
Medical Communications Cancer, E. coli, bowel cancer, bowels, cancer research, e coli, oncology

A type of E. coli infection may increase a person’s chance of developing bowel cancer, according to a new study …

FDA-approved drug can repair gut leakiness in types of bowel disease

December 5, 2019
Research and Development biomedicine, bowel, bowel cancer, bowel disease

A team of biomedical scientists at the University of California has found that a FDA-approved drug for treating rheumatoid arthritis …

Sea snail chemical could be used as preventative treatment for bowel cancer, study shows

August 28, 2019
Research and Development Australia, Cancer, bowel cancer, pharma, research

A chemical produced by Australian sea snails is showing promise as a potential treatment for cancer, according to researchers from …

Bowel cancers adjust themselves to hide from immunotherapies

April 15, 2019
Sales and Marketing CEA, Cancer, bowel cancer, immunotherapy, oncology, tumour

Bowel cancers can avoid being caught by immunotherapy by ‘switching off’ a molecule on the surface of cells that is …


ICR track cancer to ‘carbon date’ progression

May 11, 2017
Research and Development Cancer, ICR, bowel cancer, oncology

The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) has collaborated with sites across Scotland, Italy and the US to study the disease …

Bowel cancer screening image

Bowel cancer surgery ‘increases chances’

July 5, 2013
Sales and Marketing HSCIC, NHS, bowel cancer

Having surgery to treat bowel cancer massively increases a patient’s chance of survival, according to data from a new national …

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