Destiny Pharma announces positive data from antibacterial treatment study

pharmafile | July 7, 2022 | News story | Business Services  

Destiny Pharma has announced the publication of new data on XF-73, which is shown to enhance the activity of two antibacterial drugs.

This data has been published in the peer-reviewed publication, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, with Cardiff University. This research project is partly funded through a £1.6 million collaboration between Destiny Pharma, Cardiff University, China Medical Systems, and University of Tianjin. This collaboration was established under the UK-China AMR grant fund, set up by Innovate UK and the Department of Health and Social Care with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.

These data were generated by Dr Emma Board-Davies and Professor David Williams, at the School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, in experiments studying the potential for XF-based drugs. The aim of these studies was to assess the effectiveness of key antibacterial treatments – many of which are now suffering from the emergence of bacterial resistance mechanisms.

Multiple combinations of XF-based drugs and selected antibacterials were assessed, and researchers identified enhanced effectiveness beyond the action of the antibacterial drug.

These positive results pave the way for further studies with multidrug resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA to progress the combination of XF-73. These data illustrate the potential of XF-based drugs, and their potential to provide necessary new treatments that will prevent and/or treat serious infections, and address the global threat of AMR.

Dr Bill Love, CSO of Destiny Pharma, stated: “These latest data emerging from the highly successful InnovateUK, China AMR XF-based drug project have identified new opportunities to deliver better treatments for lung and DFU infections by using XF-73 alongside established antibacterial drugs. The addition of XF-73 significantly enhances the potency of these approved antibacterial drugs, which should improve their ability to treat such infections. We will be exploring the options for further research and development to progress XF-73 in such combinations, to improve the treatment of these serious lung and DFU infections.”

Lina Adams

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