supply chain

Showing 15 posts of 36 posts found.

US Senate takes aim at prescription drug shortages

February 15, 2011
Manufacturing and Production Merck, Zostavax, shortages, supply chain

A bill aimed at tackling the ongoing problem of prescription drug shortages in the US has been introduced in the …

Parallel trading restricting medicine access, says ABPI

September 6, 2010
Sales and Marketing parallel trade, pharmacists, supply chain

The ABPI has blamed parallel trading by a minority of pharmacists as the root cause of the current medicines shortage …

Talking Point: The cool chain

July 27, 2010
Manufacturing and Production Biocair, logistics, supply chain, talking logistics

A Cool Chain (or Cold Chain) is a supply chain along which a product’s temperature is maintained from the point …

Talking Point: The role of air-freight

July 13, 2010
Manufacturing and Production Swiss World Cargo, logistics, supply chain, talking logistics

The air-freight carrier can play a key role in the shipment of pharmaceuticals, and must be viewed as part of …

BMS factory closure could interrupt HIV drug supply

June 11, 2010
Manufacturing and Production BMS, HIV, manufacturing, supply chain

Closure of a manufacturing facility in France operated by Bristol-Myers Squibb could lead to shortages of an important treatment for …

Anti-counterfeiting pilot a success, says EFPIA

May 10, 2010
Sales and Marketing counterfeits, supply chain

A pilot project aimed at stopping counterfeit medicines getting into the supply chain has been a resounding success, according to …

In search of a real solution to the counterfeit problem

May 10, 2010
Manufacturing and Production Plavix, counterfeits, supply chain

For a great deal of the last decade, warnings from the pharmaceutical industry about the growing threat of counterfeit medicines …

Volcanic ash fallout hits pharma

April 21, 2010
Manufacturing and Production Clinical Supply Operations, disaster, logistics, supply chain

The headline news in the wake of the Icelandic volcano eruption has been of stranded passengers struggling to get home …


Mike Isles joins EAASM

April 9, 2010
Manufacturing and Production EAASM, appointment, manufacturing and production, supply chain

The European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines (EAASM) has appointed Mike Isles executive director. He was most recently at …

Rooftop raiders steal $76m of Lilly products

March 18, 2010
Manufacturing and Production, Sales and Marketing lilly, supply chain, theft

Thieves have made off with $75 million-worth of central nervous system, cardiovascular and cancer drugs from an Eli Lilly distribution …

Talking Point: Specialist logistics provision

March 18, 2010
Manufacturing and Production BioStorage Technologies, Talking Point, logistics, supply chain, talking logistics

“The world is getting smaller” is a quote that is frequently heard in conversations about the economy, business, health care, …

Richard Shore

Talking Point: Following transit and storage rules

March 12, 2010
Manufacturing and Production NYK Logistics, Talking Point, logistics, supply chain, talking logistics

Most people involved in pharmaceuticals will be aware of the strict procedures that must be employed for product manufacture (Good …

Stricter monitoring for UK supply chain

March 5, 2010
parallel trade, supply chain

New measures to ensure that the UK doesn’t suffer from shortages of prescription medicines have been announced by the government. …

Talking Point: The future for pharmaceutical delivery

February 26, 2010
Manufacturing and Production Polar Speed, Talking Point, logistics, supply chain, talking logistics

Will the future for pharmaceutical delivery need to become more exacting and regulated? An ever greater awareness of the need …

Hospital criticised for profiting from medicines trade

February 18, 2010
Manufacturing and Production parallel trade, supply chain

An NHS hospital has been heavily criticised for trading in medicines to make a profit. It has emerged that the …

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