
Showing 15 posts of 81 posts found.


Japan welcomes approval of ViiV’s Dovato for HIV-1

January 17, 2020
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing Dovato, Japan, ViiV Healthcare, pharma

Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has awarded marketing approval to ViiV Healthcare, a subsidiary of GSK, for …


China’s viral pneumonia spreads to Japan

January 17, 2020
Medical Communications China, Japan, Sars, Viral pneumonia, Wuhan, epidemic, pandemic, pneumonia

A recent strain of viral pneumonia has spread from China to Japan, prompting fears of a global pandemic. A man …


Lundbeck and Takeda’s depression drug approved in Japan

September 20, 2019
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing Japan, Lundbeck, Takeda, major depressive disorder, pharma

Takeda and Lundbeck have announced that Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has chosen to authorise their drug …

Roche secures world first with Japanese Rozlytrek approval in advanced recurrent solid tumours

June 18, 2019
Manufacturing and Production, Sales and Marketing Cancer, Japan, Roche, Rozlytrek, pharma

Roche’s personalised cancer therapy Rozlytrek (entrectinib) has seen its first approval: the drug has been approved in Japan for the …


Takeda scores Japanese Entyvio approval in Crohn’s disease

May 22, 2019
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Crohn’s disease, Entyvio, Japan, crohn's disease, pharma

Takeda has announced that Japan’s drug regulator, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), has approved Entyvio (vedolizumab) in …


Novartis’ Kymriah to be covered by Japan’s national insurance system

May 16, 2019
Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing CAR T, CAR-T, Japan, Kymriah, Novartis, pharma

Japan’s national medical insurance system will pay for Novartis’ CAR-T therapy Kymriah following approval from the Central Social Insurance Medical …

US prescription drugs most expensive in world, analysis shows

May 8, 2019
Research and Development Drug pricing, Japan, Ontario, UK, US, prescription drugs

Brand name prescription drugs cost on average 4.3 times more in the United States than in the UK, according to …

Takeda opens R&D facility in San Diego, California

May 2, 2019
Manufacturing and Production, Research and Development CNS, GI, Japan, Takeda, california, neuroscience, san diego

Japanese-firm Takeda pharmaceuticals has opened a new research facility in San Diego, California. The 165,000ft2 research centre will employ 250 …

Japanese court orders public health campaigner to pay ¥3.3 million to anti-vaccine researcher

March 27, 2019
Medical Communications, Research and Development HPV, Japan, anti vaxx, anti-vaccine, public health, vaccines

Dr Riko Muranaka, a researcher and journalist who has campaigned against misinformation surrounding vaccines, has been ordered to pay Â¥3.3 …


Japan awards AbbVie’s Skyrizi with first approval, in 4 psoriasis indications

March 27, 2019
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing AbbVie, Japan, Skyrizi, pharma, psoriasis

AbbVie has announced that its interleukin-23 (IL-23) inhibitor Skyrizi (risankizumab) has been awarded approval in Japan from the nation’s Ministry …


Sunovion CMO Dr Antony Loebel made company’s new CEO

March 5, 2019
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing CEO, CMO, Japan, medicine, psychiatry, sunovion

Japanese drugmaker Sunovion Pharmaceuticals has made their current Chief Medical Officer (CMO) the company’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Dr …

Japanese researchers to trial stem cell therapy in four patients with serious spinal injuries

February 19, 2019
Manufacturing and Production Japan, Keio University, Parkinson's, cell therapy, iPS

The Japanese health ministry has approved a study testing the use of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to treat four …


UK-Japan partnership to see collaboration on incurable diseases, green technology and AI

January 11, 2019
Medical Communications AI, Japan, MRC, UK, international partnership, medicine, technology

A new partnership between the UK and Japan will see medical researchers and scientists join forces, in advancing research into …


Amgen and UCB’s Evenity approved in Japan for osteoporosis

January 9, 2019
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Amgen, Japan, UCB Pharma, osteoporosis, pharma

Amgen has revealed that its bone-forming monoclonal antibody Evenity (romosozumab), developed in partnership with UCB Pharma, has been awarded approval …


Taisho Pharma to buy Bristol-Myers Squibb’s consumer health business in deal worth $1.6 bn

December 19, 2018
Business Services BMS, Japan, M&A, MA, Taisho, deal

Japanese company Taisho Pharmaceuticals has offered Bristol-Myers Squibb $1.6 billion for its UPSA consumer health business. With more than a …

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