
Showing 4 posts of 4 posts found.


Novartis snaps up cancer drug developer Endocyte for $2.1 billion

October 18, 2018
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Cancer, Endocyte, Novartis, pharma

Novartis will shell out $2.1 billion to acquire cancer drug developer Endocyte in a move to leverage the company’s technology …

MSD image

Endocyte lung cancer drug shows promise

March 24, 2014
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Endocyte, MSD, NSCLC, lung cancer, vintafolide

Endocyte and partner MSD have released positive mid-stage trial results for their investigational lung cancer drug vintafolide. The treatment met …


Novartis’ David Meek moves to Endocyte

July 30, 2012
Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing David Meek, Endocyte, Novartis, appointment

David Meek has been appointed to the newly created position of chief commercial officer at the biotechnology firm Endocyte. Meek …

Merck image

Merck does cancer drug deal with Endocyte

April 17, 2012
Research and Development, Sales and Marketing Cancer, Endocyte, Merck, NSCLC, vintafolide

Merck is to pay $120 million to US biopharma company Endocyte as part of a deal to develop and commercialise …

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