Showing 15 posts of 597 posts found.

profileleee’s weekly COVID-19 news round-up

April 15, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine dominates the latest coronavirus news this week. The anti-malaria drug, touted by President Trump as an effective COVID-19 treatment, …


Sanofi and GSK set aside rivalry with “unprecedented” COVID-19 vaccine partnership

April 15, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, GSK, Sanofi, coronavirus

Usual rivals Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline have said they are to put aside competition with the forging of a new “unprecedented …

US to suspend funding of the World Health Organization amidst review

April 15, 2020
Research and Development COVID, COVID-19, coronavirus

US President Donald Trump has announced the US will stop funding the World Health Organization due to allegations that they …


AstraZeneca to pit blood cancer drug Calquence against COVID-19 with the company’s fastest-ever trial launch

April 14, 2020
Manufacturing and Production, Research and Development AstraZeneca, COVID-19, Calquence, coronavirus, pharma

As the R&D race against COVID-19 continues, AstraZeneca is poised to launch a global, multicentre clinical trial to test its …


Gilead’s promising COVID-19 drug remdesivir shows benefit in 68% of hospitalised patients

April 14, 2020
Manufacturing and Production, Research and Development COVID-19, Gilead, coronavirus, pharma, remdesivir

Gilead has provided an update on its ongoing efforts against the novel coronavirus, revealing data from a cohort analysis of …


Fatal heart complications halt Brazilian study of chloroquine in treating COVID-19

April 14, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

A chloroquine study investigating its effects in treating the COVID-19 coronavirus in Brazil has been postponed for safety reasons. It …

cdc_coronavirus_0’s weekly COVID-19 news round-up

April 9, 2020
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing COVID-19, coronavirus

The world looks for a coronavirus cure as Inovio begins human trials for a vaccine while another vaccine is in …


US reports increase in Hydroxychloroquine misuse

April 9, 2020
Business Services COVID-19, Donald Trump, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) has said there has been an increase in people abusing the anti-malaria …


COVID-19 less severe in paediatric patients, according to the CDC

April 8, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, coronavirus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that COVID-19 is less severe in children than adults. The report, …


Critics say Trump pushing hydroxychloroquine due to his financial ties to manufacturers

April 8, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, coronavirus, covid 19, hydroxychloroquine

Critics are arguing that President Donald Trump is touting the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment because he has …

Inovio’s coronavirus vaccine, funded by Bill Gates, begins human trials

April 7, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, coronavirus, coronavirus vaccine

Inovio’s coronavirus vaccine has entered human trials after the FDA approved its application to begin them under the Investigational New …

Martin Shkreli asks to be furloughed from prison to work on COVID-19 treatments

April 7, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, Pharma Bro, coronavirus

Disgraced biotech entrepreneur Martin Shkreli, also known as the ‘Pharma Bro’, is asking for a brief furlough from prison to …


Donald Trump talks of “retaliation” if India does not export hydroxychloroquine to the US

April 7, 2020
Manufacturing and Production American coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, coronavirus

United States President Donald Trump has suggested that the US may retaliate if India did not export the anti-malaria drug …


British Health Secretary says more patients with COVID-19 are needed for clinical trials

April 6, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, UK, clinical trials, coronavirus

Matt Hancock, the UK’s Health Secretary, has said that more patients with the COVID-19 coronavirus are need in clinical trials …


Trump again tells people to take Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, despite a lack of evidence

April 6, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydrochloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

President Trump continues to push the drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential coronavirus treatment despite a lack of evidence for its …

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