Showing 15 posts of 597 posts found.

coroanrvisu_cdc’s weekly COVID-19 news round-up

April 22, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine has faced setbacks as a potential COVID-19 treatment, as it failed a clinical trial in France and a study …


First in-home COVID-19 testing kit approved by the FDA

April 22, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, Testing kits, coronavirus, testing swabs

The US Food and Drug Administration have granted emergency clearance to the first in-home COVID-19 testing kit. The nasal swab …


National Institutes of Health says COVID-19 patients should not take hydroxychloroquine

April 22, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

Experts at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have drafted treatment guidelines for the use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 …


Deaths in England and Wales hit 20 year high due to COVID-19 fatalities

April 21, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, COVID-19 UK, coronavirus, coronavirus uk

Deaths in England and Wales have hit a 20 year high, boosted by fatalities from the COVID-19 coronavirus. The Office …


FDA to take steps to ease shortages of drugs for COVID-19 patients on ventilators

April 21, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, Ventilators, coronavirus

The FDA is to allow small compound pharmacies to fill the shortages of medicines needed for patients with COVID-19 who …


Gilead’s remdesivir significantly reduces COVID-19 symptoms in rhesus monkeys in NIH trial

April 20, 2020
Business Services, Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing COVID-19, Gilead, National Institutes of Health, coronavirus, remdesivir

A study from the National Institutes of Health has shed more light on the efficacy of Gilead’s promising antiviral therapy …


English COVID-19 cases to be tracked by ethnicity

April 20, 2020
Sales and Marketing African-Americans, BAME, COVID-19, coronavirus

Cases of coronavirus are set to be tracked by ethnicity in England following an announced government review. The governments have …


Hydroxychloroquine fails COVID-19 clinical trial in France

April 20, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine is facing further scrutiny as a coronavirus treatment after failed trials in France. The most recent …


FDA cautions that drug reviews will be slower due to COVID-19

April 17, 2020
Medical Communications COVID-19, FDA, coronavirus

The FDA has warned that they may not be able to sustain its current levels of timely reviews and approvals …


US Government’s BARDA to fund Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine by $483m

April 17, 2020
Medical Communications, Research and Development BARDA, COVID-19, Moderna, coronavirus, pharma

Moderna has secured $483 million in funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), to drive development and …


Top Ten most popular articles on this week

April 17, 2020
Business Services, Manufacturing and Production, Medical Communications, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing COVID-19, coronavirus, top 10

Hydroxychloroquine dominates the news as the potential COVID-19 treatment has gone through various trials. A Chinese study showed that the …

Leaked data show Gilead’s remdesivir allows severe COVID-19 patients to be discharged after six days

April 17, 2020
Medical Communications, Research and Development COVID-19, Gilead, coronavirus, remdesivir

The clinical benefit of Gilead’s promising antiviral therapy Remdesivir has been touted in the treatment of severe cases of COVID-19 …


New Chinese study shows Hydroxychloroquine does not speed up COVID-19 recovery

April 16, 2020
Business Services COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine does not speed up recovery from COVID-19, according to a new Chinese study. The study was …


Gilead halts COVID-19 remdesivir trial due to enrolment issues, efficacy of the drug uncertain

April 16, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, Gilead, coronavirus, pharma, remdesivir

A clinical trial in China investigating Gilead’s antiviral therapy remdesivir as a potential treatment for COVID-19 has been placed on …


Intermittent social distancing could last until 2022, according to a new study

April 16, 2020
Business Services COVID, COVID-19, coronavirus, social distancing

Social distancing that has been put in place to stem the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus could be implemented up until …

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