
Showing 15 posts of 15 posts found.


Over 100 Americans have died after taking hydroxychloroquine in the first half of 2020

August 10, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

More than 100 Americans have died after taking the drug hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent coronavirus. This was found in …


NIH halts hydroxychloroquine trial after no benefit found in COVID-19 patients

June 22, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, pandemic

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have suspended clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine after the drug was found to have no …


US Strategic National Stockpile now has 66 million hydroxychloroquine pills that cannot be used for coronavirus

June 18, 2020
Business Services COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The US is now sitting on a pile of 66 million anti-malaria pills, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, after they were removed …


FDA revokes emergency approval of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

June 16, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The FDA has revoked its emergency approval of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine due to health risks and a lack of effectiveness …


Lancet expresses concern over published hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine paper

June 3, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The Lancet’s editors have expressed their concerns over a paper published in their journal that said hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine was …


African countries see surge in fake coronavirus treatments

May 14, 2020
Business Services COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus

Counterfeit drugs that are falsely advertised to treat coronavirus have seen a surge in sales in parts of Africa. In …


Ousted chief of BARDA says Trump administration ignored COVID-19 warnings

May 6, 2020
Research and Development BARDA, COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

Ousted Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Dr Rick Bright, alleges the Trump administration ignored warnings …


Arizona GOP lawmakers and AAPS say hydroxychloroquine has 90% chance of helping COVID-19 patients, but data is not based on clinical trials

April 29, 2020
Research and Development chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) wrote a letter to Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey urging the wider …


FDA urges close monitoring of COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine

April 27, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, FDA, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The FDA has released a safety communication reiterating the need for doctors to closely monitor COVID-19 patients who are treated …


Hydroxychloroquine fails COVID-19 clinical trial in France

April 20, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine is facing further scrutiny as a coronavirus treatment after failed trials in France. The most recent …


New Chinese study shows Hydroxychloroquine does not speed up COVID-19 recovery

April 16, 2020
Business Services COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine does not speed up recovery from COVID-19, according to a new Chinese study. The study was …

profileleee’s weekly COVID-19 news round-up

April 15, 2020
Research and Development COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine dominates the latest coronavirus news this week. The anti-malaria drug, touted by President Trump as an effective COVID-19 treatment, …


Fatal heart complications halt Brazilian study of chloroquine in treating COVID-19

April 14, 2020
Manufacturing and Production COVID-19, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

A chloroquine study investigating its effects in treating the COVID-19 coronavirus in Brazil has been postponed for safety reasons. It …


Trump again tells people to take Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, despite a lack of evidence

April 6, 2020
Sales and Marketing COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus, hydrochloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

President Trump continues to push the drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential coronavirus treatment despite a lack of evidence for its …


EMA refuses to approve chloroquine for COVID-19 without sufficient data

April 3, 2020
Medical Communications COVID-19, chloroquine, coronavirus

The European Medicines Agency has restricted the general use of the drug chloroquine for coronavirus, but allowing its testing in …

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