GSK and Save the Children extend partnership for unvaccinated children

Betsy Goodfellow | September 15, 2023 | News story | Medical Communications GSK, Immunology, childhood vaccination, vaccines 

GSK and Save the Children have announced that they will be renewing their partnership for an additional five years. GSK plans to invest £15m in the partnership, with the two companies working together to increase rates of childhood vaccination.

The partnership aims to reduce the number of ‘zero dose’ children in Ethiopia and Nigeria, meaning children who have never received any routine vaccinations. The two companies have ten years of experience working together, and will now use this experience to develop, pilot and implement tailored approaches to reaching these zero dose children.

To date, the partnership has reached over 3.5 million children with essential healthcare as well as training over 39,000 health workers in remote and marginalised communities.

Dr Lia Tadesse, minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, commented: “Drastically reducing the number of children who have never had a vaccination is essential to both national and global development. The Ethiopian government remains committed to an ambitious target of reducing the number of ‘zero dose’ children throughout our country by 50% by 2025. None of this is possible without global partnership and we look forward to working with GSK and Save the Children in this effort. With their expertise in health, immunisation, and supply chain, we can break down the barriers that prevent children in our most vulnerable communities from being fully vaccinated.”

Betsy Goodfellow

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