Life appoints new digital director

pharmafile | June 20, 2012 | Appointment | Business Services, Medical Communications, Sales and Marketing Life, digital director 

Life Healthcare Communications has appointed a new digital director to head up its expanding digital department.

Francesco Raimo joins Life with over 13 years of international, multi-industry digital experience, including four years in the healthcare industry with clients such as Pfizer, Roche and Schering-Plough.

Most recently, Raimo was director of digital at Adventis Health, delivering a number of successful e-projects, including award-winning, an online community portal for haematologists, and a commended launch campaign for Allergan’s Ozurdex.

Raimo will be responsible for Life’s digital team of designers, developers and programmers, producing everything from product and disease awareness websites to tablet e-details and patient-focused mobile applications.

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